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Get The Best Treatment Now at Your Doorstep in Just One Call

Opening Hours

Sunday - Saturday

24 Hours

Arrangement of Doctors are Dependent on Their Availability

Emergency Service

24 Hours

Welcome to Doctor at Home

We provide Doctor on call service at your home as per your requirement. Just register here and make a schedule and we will reach to you as per your schedule.

Why Choose Our Medical Services

User Shoule Choose Our Service Because we provide the following services from the best laboratory.

Blood test

Lipid Profile Test



Urine test

Blood Sugar Test


Our Specialized Doctor's Team

The following doctors are attached with our team. More are coming very soon.

General Physician

Completed M.B.B.S. from Kolkata Medical College & Hospital.

Ex House Physicians (Medicine department, Kolkata Medical College & Hospital)

Trained in R.N.T.C.P. & C.A.C.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are an organization to serve the patient as per their requirement. The patients only have to book a call from our website for visit as per their requirement.

The user have to provide the required data as per our booking appointment form, and we will provide them services as per their scheduled time.

Health Care Pricing

Our Pricing for the Visit of Doctor are as Follows. It Varies Upon The Time of Appointment.

9 A.M. - 6 P.M.

Rs. 500

6 P.M. - 10 P.M.

Rs. 600

10 P.M. - 7 A.M.

Rs. 1000

7 A.M. - 9 A.M.

Rs. 6000

Complete Wellness For You

We Take Care of You From All The Sides

Helping Children Deal With Trauma

Advances in Medical Science

Helping Children Deal With Trauma

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© 2024 Doctor at Home